Summer 2020
In Colombia around 50% of the people employed have informal jobs, which means that during the pandemic many Colombians have struggled to keep up with their living expenses. Many are finding it hard to survive due to income loss as well as also not having the resources to obtain the required protection against the virus. Through my instagram I decided to lead an initiative and ask my followers for help on providing the WAYUU indigenous community with face mask protection.
Spring 2020
At the start of this project I was moved by finding a sense of purpose, ground, and connection with my inspiration. After looking at old photos that I had taken from my family’s album I was able to create a collage that depicted a strong color pallet, family background, and emotion. I have always noticed that I have a strong sense of belonging, that comes from my family, my childhood home, and country.
Fall 2019
I focused on garment workers and how I could find a way to tell their story through fashion. Also the idea of generating value and educating people on garment production. I wanted to consider their working environments and how most of the time they don’t have the opportunity to express their concerns and experiences.
Spring 2019
While thinking out the assignment I was unsure as to how two pair of pants could be referenced or associated to The Self. I started by drawing out the aspects of each pair of pants, the details, the construction, the wrinkles, the shades. As I drew I noticed my thoughts would transfer to myself, my daily life, my problems, things that made me happy, or even current situations that had affected me.
Fall 2018
The body transformed was a project that made us think about the body in different shapes and forms. We were pushed towards breaking the rules and thinking outside of the box to be able to create a dress that would be able to transform the body.
Spring 2019
Sleep is one of the most important or the most important part of our day, without it we wouldn’t be able to function. The thing is that our daily activities consume most of our thoughts which lead us to being stressed, anxious and overwhelmed. Feelings that certainly disrupt our sleep, most of the time not letting us rest properly which affects our daily routine.